Peer-reviewed Technical Reports

Dewdney, J., Martins. J., Asante, A., Zwi. A., (2009). Strengthening Human Resources for Health in Timor-­‐Leste: Progress, Challenges and Ways Forward. Commissioned Report; World Bank, Timor-­‐Leste: 1-­‐40.

Asante, A., Hall, J., Roberts, G. (2011). A review of health leadership and management capacity in Papua New Guinea. Human Resources for Health Knowledge Hub, UNSW, Sydney Australia. No: 97807334 (pbk).

Asante, A., Hall, J., Roberts, G. (2011). Strengthening supportive supervision at the district level in the Health Workforce Management Policy Brief. Sydney, Human Resources for Health Knowledge Hub, University of New South Wales.

Asante, A.D., Körner, H., McMahon, T., Sabri, W., Kippax, S. (2009). Periodic Survey of HIV knowledge, perceptions and use of health services among people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds in New South Wales. National Centre in HIV Social Research, UNSW, Sydney. ISBN 978-­‐1-­‐921493-­‐04-­‐1. Monograph 2/2009.

Asante A, Körner H, Kippax S (2009) Understanding late HIV diagnosis among people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. National Centre in HIV Social Research, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. The University of New South

Xiaohui H, Asante A (2016). Turning Challenges into Opportunities: The Mid-­‐Term Health Expenditure Pressure Study in Timor-­‐L Technical Report for the World Bank.

Asante A and Wiseman V (2014). Economic case for investing in health systems. Technical Report to the Health Resource Facility for Australia’s Aid Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)

Asante AD; Price J; Hayen A; Irava W; Wiseman V, 2015, Health Financing Equity and Universal Coverage in Fiji -­‐ SHIFT Summary Report, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, UNSW, Sydney Australia, ROS ID: 817992

Asante A, Iljanto S, Rule J. (2012). Strengthening Health Management and Leadership at the District Level: What can we learn from high performing districts in the West Java Province of Indonesia? Human Resources for Health Knowledge Hub, UNSW, Sydney Australia. 9780733431708 (pbk.)

Doyle J, Asante A, Roberts G. (2011). Human Resources for Health: Issues and challenges in 13 Pacific Island Human Resources for Health Knowledge Hub, UNSW, Sydney Australia. No: 9780733430749 (pbk).

Asante A, Hall, J., Roberts, G. (2011). A review of health leadership and management capacity in Timor-­‐L Human Resources for Health Knowledge Hub, UNSW, Sydney Australia. No: 9780733429613 (pbk).

Asante, A., Roberts, , Hall, J. (2011). A review of health leadership and management capacity in Fiji. Human Resources for Health Knowledge Hub, UNSW, Sydney Australia. No: 97807334 (pbk).

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