Our research aims to build stronger, resilient and more equitable health systems. A significant part of what we do focuses on health financing, a critical building block of health systems.

CHEFSIA however recognises that health systems are complex adaptive systems comprising different components that interact in various ways to affect their performance. Therefore, key health system components such as workforce, service delivery and access to essential medicines and vaccines are also given priority in the centre’s work. We cover four thematic areas:

Thematic Area One: Financing of Health Systems

Countries in Africa, like others elsewhere, are charting a new path towards universal health coverage as part of the SDGs. Health financing reforms, especially reforms that seek to make health financing more equitable, have gained attention in recent years. Many countries on the continent are reorganising their health financing systems to align with the UHC goals.

Thematic Area Two: Health Workforce Development

Health workforce (HWF) is the backbone of every health system. Without an adequate, well-trained, evenly distributed and motivated workforce, the dream of achieving UHC and the SDGs will not be achieved. The WHO estimates a global shortage of 15 million health workers by 2030 with low- and middle-income countries accounting for the bulk of the shortfall.

Thematic Area Three: Delivery of Health Services

The delivery of health services is a core function of all health systems. Service delivery deals with the organisation and management of inputs and services to guarantee and facilitate the continuity of access to quality and safe services across different health conditions and different locations over time.

Thematic Area Four: Access to Essential Medicines and Vaccines

Relative to population size Africa is over-represented in the global medicine inaccessibility statistics. Many life-saving drugs cannot be accessed or are unaffordable to a significant proportion of Africa's population, contributing to poor health outcomes and wider health and socioeconomic inequalities that result in millions of deaths and untold suffering across the continent every year.

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Our Work

A significant part of what we do focuses on health financing, a critical building block of health systems.
